Advanced Keyword Search

Type in Words to search: Examples
Adjacency Multiple words are searched together as one phrase. United States supreme court
Truncation Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. Use a single asterisk * to truncate from 1-5 characters. Use a double asterisk ** for open-ended truncation. comput* matches computer, computing, etc., but NOT computational.
comput** matches computational, computer, etc.
Wildcard Use question mark ? to substitute a single character within a word. Words that share all other characters will be matched. anders?n will match both "anderson" and "andersen".
Operators Use "and" or "or" to specify multiple words in any field, any order. Use "and not" to exclude words. Parentheses group words together when using Boolean operators. (annotated bibliography) and child*
(alaska or canada) and (adventure and not vacation)
Proximity Use "near" to specify words close to each other, in any order. Use "within #" to specify terms which occur within # words of each other in the record. California near university

america within 3 econom*

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